City of Los Angeles
Department of Public Works
Bureau of Street Services
Entrance Canopy


Welcome to the Bureau of Street Services online system for Entrance Canopy Permits. Using this system you will be able to apply for a new permit, renew a permit, and view information regarding your Entrance Canopies.

The following instructions pertain to both New Permits and Renewal Permits:

New Permit Renewal Permit
  1. Call the Bureau of Street Services, Investigation and Enforcement Division at (213) 847-6000 to open a User Account. You will be given a User Name and Password which will allow you to login to this application and manage your Entrance Canopy Permits.
  2. Review the Canopy Municipal Codes online.
  3. Fill out a new canopy permit application online.
  4. Submit proof of insurance.
  5. Have the canopy's blueprint approved by the Bureau of Engineering.
  6. Pay all permit and inspection fees by mail, in person, or online.
  7. The Permit will be issued pending an inspection from a Street Use Investigator.
  1. Login to the Canopy website.
  2. View your list of canopies on file with the City of Los Angeles.
  3. Select the Canopy you would like to renew.
  4. Update any information that may have changed during the previous year.
  5. Submit proof of insurance.
  6. Pay all permit renewal and inspection fees by mail, in person, or online.
  7. The Permit will be issued pending an inspection from a Street Use Investigator.

Bureau of Street Services
Investigation and Enforcement Division
1149 S Broadway Street, 3rd Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90015

For more information please call:

Street Services, Investigation and Enforcement Division at (213) 847 - 6000