To be notified of the hearing date, please select the Posting ID number.

Posting ID Address or Location Posting Date Removal Reason No. of Trees Tree Species Hearing Date Hearing Time
1015 1000 S Vermont  06/06/2022  Street Widening 14  Indian Laurel Fig/Mexican Fan Palm/Brisbane box     
1019 6933 Santa Monica Blvd  01/20/2023  Street Widening Purple Orchid (Bauhinia variegata)     
1020 3352 N Barham Blvd  02/22/2023  Other: emergency sewer line repair Queen palm (Sayagrus romanzoffiana)     
1031 101 N Broad AveWilmington, CA 90744  10/25/2024  Streetscape Improvement 22  Various Species.      
1032 1201 S Figueroa St / LA Live Way  11/22/2024  Other: LA Convention Center expansion 15  11 Indian Laurel Fig & 4 Carrotwood trees  01/13/2025  10:00 AM 
1033 5601 Santa Monica Blvd.  12/16/2024  Other: Driveway Various     
1034 2361 Fox hills dr  05/22/2024  General Improvement Various     
1035 2829 W Waverly Dr  12/04/2024  Other: grading 12  Various